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Saturday, March 24, 2012

PH picture taking contest is here!

Hi penguin fans, until the April fools party the PH picture taking contest will still be held. Now to enter your picture leave a thing at the comments section. Or if you don't have a blogger account look for Bob or me and we will enter it for you. The picture must be on tinypic, photobucket, etc. As long as you have a link to the picture or video you can enter. If you need help entering yourself go the "Chat" sectiona and look for me or any other penguin friend that can give you instructions. 1st place will recive a chance to star in a video with me, and friend. it will eb fetured on youtube. 2nd place.. Um.. there is a free can of beans for your effort!
So enter now cuase you could win! Waddle On - Ice Zaa

Waddle On - Ice Zaa


  1. This is from another penguin named Jack that i am putting here for him:


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